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Remote Health International and Parsys Telemedicine join forces to improve healthcare in remote areas

Remote Health International and Parsys Telemedicine, a French telemedicine company, are proud to announce their recent collaboration. This joint venture will bring together the expertise of both companies to provide better healthcare services in remote areas around the world.

Remote Health International and Parsys Telemedicine, a French telemedicine company, are proud to announce their recent collaboration. This joint venture will bring together the expertise of both companies to provide better healthcare services in remote areas around the world.

Parsys utilizes its engineering expertise to develop telemedicine hardware and software solutions that can help save lives even in the most remote places. Remote Health International consists of medical professionals such as doctors and healthcare personnel, making it possible for operations and projects in far-flung areas to seek help immediately through Parsys’ telemedicine system. Remote Health International also provides medical advice for non-urgent conditions, such as planning, setting up, and governance of healthcare facilities and projects in challenging locations.

The first project of this partnership recently took place aboard the research vessel Joides Resolution which is used by hundreds of universities worldwide for scientific exploration. Both parties are honored to have been able to contribute towards improved safety onboard the vessel due to their joint efforts; crew members now have greater peace of mind knowing that they can receive medical assistance should an emergency situation arise.

Furthermore, this project also serves as a reminder that access to quality healthcare is a privilege not afforded by everyone, especially those living in more rural or remote areas where medical attention may be difficult to come by.

Both companies remain ever committed to extending their services’ reach while striving for excellence with each endeavor. With this mindset, they look forward to providing higher quality healthcare through their collaboration.



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